When people are looking to buy Cuban cigars online, it can be difficult to know where to start. How do you avoid getting stuck with fake cigars , for example? Here is where we help and review the steps to save a half smoked cigar.
This is where Swiss Cuban Cigars comes in – they guarantee that they stock not only the largest selection of Cuban cigars online, but that every single box received is authentic and of the highest quality.
Part of the success of Swiss Cuban Cigars comes from its customer service team and its collective expertise in all things cigar related.
Keeping up with industry news from Swiss Cuban Cigars
As well as helping customers choose the ideal cigar brands for their needs, Swiss Cuban Cigars regularly posts reviews, updates and industry news. The Gran Canaria-based company is a one stop shop for everything related to Cuban cigars – including how to save a half-smoked cigar.
Happily, it’s absolutely possible to save and store a half-smoked cigar in a condition that allows you to enjoy it in future. Here’s how.
Interrupted when smoking your favourite cigar?
Every cigar smoker has been interrupted at some point – maybe someone has rung the doorbell just as you’re settling down to enjoy your cigar, for example. Whatever the reason for the interruption, you’ve been left with a half-smoked cigar – so how do you save it?
After all, if it’s a premium Cuban cigar, you could be looking at potentially wasting £20 worth of cigar if you’ve smoked the first third!
Saving a half smoked cigar step by step
First, ensure your cigar is extinguished in the correct way. The best way to do so without ruining the rest of the cigar is to place it in the ashtray and allow it to go out by itself. This takes up to around two minutes after you stop drawing air into the cigar through inhaling.
Next is to clean the foot of the cigar. To do this effectively, you need to cleanly cut the cigar around 1.5cm behind the ash line. Finally, you need to return the cigar to its original wrapping or, alternatively, secure it in a ziplock bag. Then put it into an airtight tube and store away from the rest of your cigar collection – above all, don’t return it to your humidor! If it goes back into a humidor then it will not be smokable and will have to be thrown away.
How to relight your half smoked cigar
Whenever you’re ready to smoke the rest of the cigar you need to relight it. We would recommend, however, that you don’t leave it longer than 48 hours at most otherwise it will taste terrible.
Before you relight the cigar, you need to purge it. When you originally smoked the cigar, air will have travelled throughout the whole thing and warmed all of the tobacco packed within it. This process leaves tar and oil in the rest of the cigar, which tastes horribly bitter – this is why you need to purge it.
To properly do so, light the end of the cigar and inhale until your mouth is full of air. Then, blow it out through the whole body of the cigar. Complete this process three times and you will have successfully purged the cigar. If, after all of this, it tastes horrible when you relight it, it may be time to throw it away and buy some more from Swiss Cuban Cigars!

SwissCubanCigars.com is the largest online retailer of authentic Cuban cigars on the Internet. We sell a wide variety of high-grade Cuban cigar brands, complete with authenticity marks that can be checked on the official Habanos SA site.